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2020-05-29 17:49:00   来源:银川市葡萄酒产业发展服务中心
  穿过河西走廊,迦南美地酒庄(Kanaan Winery)位于贺兰山脚下,由德籍华裔王方女士在父亲王奉玉先生的陪伴下建成。经历短短几年时间,酒庄出产的葡萄酒就赢得了世界赞誉,以卓越品质获得各大奖项:其中包括2015年“品醇客亚洲葡萄酒评选DAWA”亚洲地区大奖,“Wine100葡萄酒大赛”最佳中国酒。是近年来中国葡萄酒界中杀出的一匹“黑马”——“想不到我所认为的最佳(中国)葡萄酒,是由来自中国且富有创想的“魔方”女士在她新生的宁夏迦南美地酒庄酿制而成的”,葡萄酒大师Jancis Robinson20144月品尝了53款顶级中国葡萄酒后说道。王方,迦南美地酒庄庄主,因酿酒大胆敢于打破成规,被业界称为“Crazy Fang 魔方”。旅居德国十余年的生活让王方深入了解了来自世界的美味和优秀的葡萄酒,而她父亲王奉玉先生又是宁夏当地著名的葡萄酒专家。2011年,在父亲的影响下,毅然决定回到宁夏,开启了崭新的“酿酒生涯”。由于对基督教的信仰,王方选择了迦南美地作为酒庄的名字:迦南是以色列人的圣地,在《旧约》中被称为“流着奶和蜜”的地方,被誉为“希望之乡”, 也寄予了她对这片葡萄园的期望。

  Kanaan Winery is located at the picturesque east foothills of Helan Mountain in Ningxia. Wang Fang (Fang Wang), a Chinese-German who founded the winery, is one of the who’s who in the wine circle of China. She moved to Germany to study at Giessen University in the year of 2000 and later settled down in the country.

  In 2011, she invited German winemakers to move to Ningxia with her and then established Kanaan Winery. As a devoted Christian, Wang Fang (Fang Wang) believes that Kanaan Winery represents her longing for quality wine and her devotion. Although it has been only a few years since she moved back to China, Kanaan wines have gained accolades all over the world and have been jointly recommended by Jancis Robinson, Bernard Burtschy and Ian D’Agata.


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咨询电话:0951-2027775    版权所有:银川市葡萄酒产业发展服务中心     地址:银川市西夏区新小线零公里处